This is a game trailer for the fictional game "Untamed waters" created for the 3D animation for game modules at the University of Gloucestershire. The models and animation were created using Blender, rendered in the Eevee Next rendering engine. Substance Painter was used to create the PBR texture sets.
This is the most advanced character model I have created, featuring a high poly-count, clothing and morph targets for facial animation. Attention has been paid to the topology of the character so that they support rigging and skinning well in the animation.
Assets & Texturing
I used a subdivision surface workflow, which involves creating low poly assets which are smoothed with additional detail to create high poly assets which can be shown close to the camera without losing detail.
Substance painter was used to create the PBR texture sets used for the assets in the trailer. I combined elements of hand painted details and filters to create a consistent cartoonish aesthetic, while being able to experiment with realistic details.
Project Conclusion
Although animation and modelling are not my primary focus, soft skills in these areas hold great value when working on other projects, and enable me to elevate the visuals of whatever I am working on. Additionally, having a good understanding of these areas makes it easier to work with animations and character rigs in other engines, and communicate with artists about what is required to achieve the project's goals.